Member Benefits

Advocacy—SCASA provides a unified voice for school leaders at the State House. With our full-time lobbying team, we are there each day that the legislature meets to monitor debate, provide testimony, and speak personally with legislators on the issues that are important to public education. You will receive weekly legislative updates and legislative alerts by email as the session unfolds. You also have access to the legislative updates archive to view updates from the current and previous legislative sessions.


Affiliates, Committees, and Roundtables—SCASA has ten affiliates, several standing committees, and 31* roundtable groups. Members may elect to join one of ten affiliates which represent areas of school leadership. SCASA's roundtables deal with specific issues and concerns affecting that area of school administration. Roundtable meeting participation is free for SCASA members, and each year SCASA hosts more than 200 meetings or leadership development events for school leaders.


SCASA Affiliates:





Adult Education*

Career and Technology Educators*


Higher Education*

Education Specialists

Instructional Leaders*

Personnel Administrators*


* Also holds regular roundtable meetings

SCASA Roundtables:

Assistant Principals

Benefits Coordinators

District Communications Officers

Directors of Special Education

Directors of Student Services

Early Childhood

Elementary Education Directors

Federal Programs / Grants Coordinators

Finance Directors

Visual and Performing Arts

Virtual School Coordinators

Gifted and Talented Coordinators

Hearing Officers


Homebound Coordinators

Instructional Technology Leaders

Middle/Secondary Education Directors

Multilingual Learners Coordinators

Operations Directors

Payroll Coordinators




Security Specialists

Technology Leaders

Testing and Accountability Leaders


Career Center—The SCASA Career Center is your destination for exciting school leadership and education job opportunities. Weekly, SCASA sends out new career opportunities for school and district leaders in South Carolina. You may also use SCASA’s Career Center for listing job openings to attract the most qualified professionals in South Carolina to your school or district. 


Insurance—SCASA members are provided $10,000 coverage for accidental death and dismemberment. 


Conferences and Workshops—Each year, SCASA’s conferences and workshops offer outstanding opportunities to hear national speakers, learn from school leaders around the State, and network with colleagues. The Innovative Ideas Institute (i3) is the premier professional development conference in SC and the largest of its kind held in the southeastern United States. Our conference is held annually in June. In addition to receiving a significant registration fee discount of $230, attending members may seek continuing education credit with their district.


Leadership Development—Through the Center for Executive Education Leadership (CEEL), SCASA provides superior leadership development opportunities to grow and enhance leadership skills. These comprehensive, multi-year programs are aimed at meeting the unique needs of South Carolina’s future executive education leaders. Members will also receive a significant discount on CEEL sessions and courses.

A few examples:

Single session for CEEL Assistant Principals: Managing the Work of the AP—Reduced from $425 to $250 for members

Three-session course for CEEL District Leaders: District Level Leaders Gold Strand—Reduced from $1,125 to $600 for members


Member Discounts—Members have access to several discount programs offered through SCASA including discounts to local attractions, car rental services, hotel accommodations, and general travel services.


National Associations—In addition to the state-level activity, SCASA is involved in advocacy at the national level. Through AASA, NASSP, and NAESP, we communicate regularly with our legislators in Washington on educational issues. To ensure South Carolina’s voice is heard, SCASA members participate in several federal relations conferences each year. Members of national associations also receive million-dollar liability coverage.


News Clips—Stay updated on what is happening in education around South Carolina by subscribing to our SCASA News Clips email. Articles are sent on weekdays that most schools are in session and are archived for your reference.


Publications—The Palmetto Administrator, an award-winning magazine, is published annually. Our fall edition features our most recent annual award winners.


Recognition Opportunities—SCASA awards open to members include State and National Superintendent, Principal, and Assistant Principal of the Year. SCASA also recognizes the SC District-Level Administrator of the Year, Adult Education Director of the Year, Personnel Administrator of the Year, CTE Administrator of the Year, and the SCASA Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding administrators. The Palmetto's Finest Award recognizes outstanding schools in South Carolina.